According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 1.1 million accountants in the U.S. As an accountant, it can be great for networking if you were to join a professional organization. You can take advantage of the resources they provide their members as well as meet others in your field and stay abreast of changes and news in the industry. While you should also join local associations, it’s important that you join associations for the perks they provide. There are often fees and membership dues that must be paid to be a member of these associations, but they’re well worth the cost.
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The Institute of Management Accountants
This organization has been around since 1919, and has a global presence with thousands of members. They’re focused on enhancing the skills of their members with certifications and advanced training. The IMA administers the test for certification as a Certified Management Accountant. It’s members are professionals who work within organizations to take care of all the internal accounting for that company. It would include accountants in large and small corporations.
Professional Association of Small Business Accountants
This association supports the many accountants that work with small and medium businesses. It was founded in 1982 and has long supported and encouraged their members to open their own firms to help the needs of the small business owner instead of working as a freelancer or independent contractor. They provide resources like conferences and mentorship programs for their members.
The Institute of Internal Auditors
Members of this association live across the entire globe and help each other with one sole aspect of the accountancy field, which is auditing. Membership includes the chance to receive awards and certifications in the industry like the Certified Internal Auditor and Internal Audit Leadership certificates. The association’s members help each other with moral, ethical decisions and accounting practices since they are afforded a high level of trust within the businesses they service.
Young CPA Network
This is a great association for accounting professionals that are rising stars in the world of certified public accountants. It’s a place to get advice and be mentored by professionals with years of experience. There are plenty of opportunities for learning and networking within the association. The Young CPA Network was created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
American Association of Finance and Accounting
Many accountants will join accounting associations for the training possibilities and informative opportunities to learn from other accountants and financial professionals. At the AAFA, they join to network and gain knowledge from others in the industry. Their members are afforded opportunities to find great positions across the U.S.
These are just a few of the best accounting associations for accounting professionals. You should choose one based on the benefits you need. For example, an aspiring CPA will want to join the Young CPA Network but later, he or she can join any of the others. Some members hold membership cards in more than one association. There’s no limit to the associations you can join except for the costs, which might get high with more than one or two membership fees per year.