The AACSB is an international body that grants accreditation to various business programs. If you are in the process of comparing schools and researching college accounting programs, it is important that you understand the importance of attending an accredited institution that holds a reputable credential recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. It is also important to avoid schools that are classified as diploma mills and that create their own accrediting agencies just to compete with the reputable programs. Learn more about accredited programs and what types of specialized programs the AACSB sets standards for.
What Does the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Do?
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is a professional association that was created with a goal to improve college business programs at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels. While this association does work closely with educators to keep them up-to-date with the latest techniques in delivering instruction, the association is most well known for creating specialized standards for business degree programs so that the council can accredit these specialized programs.
The accreditation process is voluntary and any program that goes through the evaluation and successfully passes it will be granted a specialized credential that separates the programs from others that do not have it. Currently, the association has accredited more than 13,000 business programs worldwide.
What Types of Business Programs Can Be Accredited?
There are several different types of specialized business programs that fit under the ‘traditional business’ umbrella. In addition to general business degrees, the association accredits accounting programs by requiring each program to self-evaluate and go through a peer-review process. After the credential is awarded, the program commits to going through the process every 5 years so that the curriculum can be updated and re-evaluated.
Resource: Top 10 Online Accounting Degree Programs
Why is it so Important to Attend an Accredited Accounting Program?
If you are curious to learn why it is so important to focus on only reputable accredited degree programs, there is a long list of reasons. The main reason would be so that you can get the best education possible when you are going to pursue a career in a specific professional field, but this is not the only reason. If you attend an accredited program, you have peace of mind in knowing all of the units you have earn and credits you have completed are transferable.
You also have peace in knowing that your degree satisfies CPA requirements and will be recognized by employers looking for highly trained accounting professionals. Programs that are not accredited can be a waste of your time and can be difficult to pay for because you will not be eligible for Federal financial aide that helps pay for tuition fees.
Only about 5% of the business programs around the globe have successfully earned their Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business credential. If you want to find accounting programs that prepare you for the real world, you should look for regionally and specialized accredited programs first and foremost. Only after you have found a list of the accredited programs should you start to compare faculties, tuition rates, scheduling options and other characteristics. Commit to excellence and find an accounting program that has committed to excellence by earning a AACSB accreditation.