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5 IT Careers for Accounting Graduates

You may be on the fence about what career path to take if you are a student interested in an IT a career and you are an accountant graduate. Also referred to as accounting technology, Information Technology careers for accounting graduates requires knowledge in two areas. Employment in this area is similar to having a dual major. Both Information Technology and accountant based careers can stand alone as great employment choices, but when you combine these two disciplines together, then you would have acquired a specialized skill set that is in great demand. You will prove to be a very valuable employee to your employer and a great asset to the company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the accountant profession has an average growth rate of 11%, whereas the Information Technology profession has experienced a 37% growth increase. But what employment path should you take to ensure that you utilize both of these areas of discipline? Below are 5 Information Technology careers for accountant graduates.

Resource: Top 10 Online Accounting Degree Programs

Certified Information Systems Auditing

Recognized on a global basis, the Certified Information Systems Auditor is responsible for internal auditing that relates to information systems and auditing control, whereby you’d provide assurance and security to the company that you are employed by. You’d also be in a position to identify and properly manage vulnerable and sensitive information while remaining in compliance. Additional responsibilities include working with other head staff members to ensure that policies and procedures are being adhered to.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional

As a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, you will be responsible for overseeing and creating reports on the financial position of the company as it relates to compliance and regulatory issues. This includes financial procedures as well as developing and enforcing internal controls.

Financial Auditor

As a financial auditor, you would be responsible for examining your company’s financial statements, including the income statement, the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows. You would also be responsible for examining the company’s expense reports and all of their financial records to ensure that information is acquired and stored accurately. This area must also be based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Other responsibilities of the financial auditor will consist of ensuring that all financial information is gathered and maintained to meet the compliance and regulatory issues associated with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

Accredited Financial Examiner

The accredited financial examiner is responsible for focusing on international standards and regulations that relate to international related internal auditing activities. Primarily, activities that are associated with the finances involved in international projects. This employment opportunity is designed to reduce risk and provide financial governance through the use of technology and financial systems.

Certified Financial Auditor

Obtaining a job as a Certified Financial Auditor, you will be responsible developing and implementing systems that involve anti-fraud procedures. You will also be responsible for providing financial systems that reduce the risk associated internal and external fraud activities. You will also be responsible for ensuring that other staff members are fully aware of anti-fraud procedures and are well trained.

Although some of the titles above require some general experience and possibly some specialized training prior to advancing to the mid to upper management level positions, the careers indicated above make great IT career paths for accountant graduates.